2023 Goal-Setting: 11 Minutes that Can Change Your Life!

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Today, I want to share some things with you on how to set and reach big goals… the kind of goals that will change your life in 2023.

There’s one thing that can make all the difference between being in a rut, feeling unfulfilled… to a life of purpose, living each day with meaning, and fulfilling your God-given assignment.

Let’s talk about it.

FREE Download: “Isaiah 46:10 Goal Setting Method” at: https://www.terri.com/goals/

We’re taking ICING 2023 to the next level!!

This year we are going bigggger than ever with three events: Dallas, Texas, Washington, DC, and wait for it… London, United Kingdom!


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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