NOVEMBER 15-16, 2024  |  DALLAS, TEXAS

Make plans now to build your faith and get practical steps you need to go to the next level in your ministry, business, and life. Join Terri and this year’s special guest speakers, Bob Beaudine and Phil Cooke!

NOVEMBER 15-16, 2024

Make plans now to build your faith and get practical steps you need to go to the next level in your ministry, business, and life. Join Terri and this year’s special guest speakers, Bob Beaudine and Phil Cooke!

Experience Restoration In Your Life Today!

You don’t have to let the things of the past rob you from an incredible future! Request this FREE PDF of 7 Powerful Restoration Scriptures from Terri today.

*By submitting this form, not only are you saying “yes” to your dreams, but you are also opting-in for us to start delivering other incredible encouragements to your inbox as well. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.

I'm Terri.

And I’m thrilled that you stopped by.

If you’re like most people who come to my website, you understand that there is more. There is more to life, more to your purpose, more to accomplish.

You’re not interested in being average. You’re committed to going after your vision, achieving big things, and you want to make a difference.

If you’re ready to explore the next steps together, I’d love to be a part of the journey with you!

Partner with Terri

When you partner with Terri Savelle Foy Ministries with your prayers, finances, and overall support, you position yourself to experience the same grace, anointing, discipline, and results that are a part of Terri’s life, and a part of this ministry.

Our commitment to you is that we will always bring the best content, resources and life-giving tools to help you grow in your life!

Solutions to help you experience the life of your dreams

Where would you like to begin today?

Believing for more in 2024!

God opened an incredible door for us to buy a building! Will you give your best gift today as we continue this LEAP of faith? Together we can see God move in great ways!

Watch the weekly podcast

Discover how to
live your dreams!

Terri’s weekly podcast has over 700 episodes you can choose from that will inspire and challenge you to do what it takes to live your dreams on a daily basis!


Special offers to help fuel your vision!

This month’s featured resources will give you empowered and practical tools to help you experience a life worth living.

Now $30

Put an end to procrastination, make your goals a priority, and use this Live Your Dreams Devotional package to help you live your purpose. It’s time to make your dreams bigger than your memories and fulfill your God-given assignment!


With Pep Talk you’ll reprogram your mind for success through positive declarations and become happier, healthier, and more productive today! 

Or get the full Pep Talk Kit for your gift of $100 or more.


Stories Of Success!

“What was life like before getting ahold of Terri’s message? Daily depression. Daily alcohol intake. Walked around feeling like a Lost Christian. No real dreams. I only wanted to make it through the day. Dreams were for other people…Then while watching Joyce Meyer on YouTube, Terri’s video came up next… I put a dollar amount on my vision board that was $100,000.00 over any income I had previously earned… not only had I made that additional $100k I had actually surpassed it by $50k. Thank you, Jesus, for sending me Terri!”


“I sowed seed into your ministry at the Next Conference and named that seed in regard to my student loans being paid in full. The same day, I heard back from you that you are praying for me, I received a $14,000 check in the mail from a relative to go toward student loan debt!”


“Our oldest daughter got married in April, and had the wedding of her dreams, we were able to purchase a house and move, I got a new car, and new furniture for our new house. I am also 5 years cancer free, Praise God! All of this was on my Vision Board…”


“We started a new venture to inspire women to RISE up, go after their dreams… we felt led to plant a seed in your ministry (we learned about that from your Faith Building Event!). Someone from TSFM called me the very next day & prayed for us. Six days later, God went above & beyond our hopes & dreams… we found our new venue and they cut the hourly rate in half for us!”


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

*By submitting this form, not only are you saying “yes” to your dreams, but you are also opting-in for us to start delivering other incredible encouragements to your inbox as well. You can easily unsubscribe at any time.