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3 Best Books to Let Go of Your Past and Move on With Your Life

I just want to encourage you this morning that you’re not normal… and I mean that with all respect (ha!).

Here’s what I mean by that: When you go the extra mile by listening to a faith-building podcast, reading books, starting a morning routine, spending time in prayer, it’s not normal and it is making a difference.

You may be frustrated that everyone else gets to sleep in, listen to music and watch tv while you’re going the extra mile, but you’ve asked God for some pretty big dreams, haven’t you?

The next question is… Do you want them or not?

This week, I want to give you your next book list.

Now, these are the books I read that truly got me free from my past. These books helped me rid shame, get free from guilt and step out into my calling.

Watch this week’s podcast video, I know it will help you.

You’ve probably heard me say that you have to make your dreams bigger than your memories if you want to fulfill your calling.

Well, one of the most common questions I get asked is, “Terri, how do I get free from the past?”

Well, this is how I did it. I started with the 3 books I mention in this week’s podcast.

Let me assure you… you can get free from any old memories, old attachments, and old feelings that are keeping your from enjoying an abundant life.

Ultimately, as your relationship with God goes to a whole new level you’ll gain new vision for your life to get up, be productive, and make every day count.

Watch this week’s podcast video.

I’m cheering you on,

P.S. I put together the 10 scriptures I would confess out of my mouth that truly helped me get free from the shame and guilt of my past and never look back. I want you to get a hold of these scriptures today so anytime Satan tries to bring those old memories and feelings back, you have a plan: to confess these scriptures out loud! Download your free list here: https://www.terri.com/freedomscriptures


Don't let your dreams pass you by!

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