I just got back from a great weekend ministering in Washington state. On the way home I was reminded just how different my life is now compared to 2002.
One of the biggest changes took place in me when I understood the following (I really want you to get this):
The way you do anything is the way you do everything.
For example, if your house is a mess, your future business could be a mess. If you can’t get your bathroom in order, how are you going to get a company, department, or division in order?
I’m just telling you what the Lord dealt with me about years ago…
In fact, my first directive from the Lord back when I really committed to follow His plan for me wasn’t to write books, impact teenagers and young women in safe houses, or start a podcast….
No, the first action He gave me is what I’m going to tell you in this week’s podcast video.
When you demonstrate excellence in the surroundings you have control of, you are preparing for success, increase, and promotion.
So, where do we start?
Watch this week’s video and let’s go though a checklist to help you declutter your life.
I’m cheering you on,
P.S. I wrote an entire book called Declutter Your Way to Success and I’m giving it away THIS WEEK absolutely FREE! You only pay for the shipping to get it to your house. This is my gift to you to help you get
Click here to get your FREE book today!