How to Put An End to Regret

Do you regret the things you did and wish you hadn’t done, or the things you wish you had done but didn’t?
My hope is that you don’t regret anything… but studies show that 90% of people die with regret.
Regret means: to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
Before I could enjoy the life and the dreams I’m living today, I had to put an end to my regrets of the past in a very practical way. Watch this week’s podcast video where I’ll show you how you too can put an end to regret. 
You may have lived with regret for years, even decades, but as long as you have a heartbeat, you have a purpose. 
You can still get your degree and begin teaching.  You can still make plans to go on that dream trip. You can start writing your book today.
Someone said, “I don’t regret the things I have done. I just regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” So, determine today: no more regrets. No looking back. Keep moving forward.
I want to teach you how to forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness of the ones you hurt and persevere through the struggles holding you back. Click here to watch this week’s podcast video.
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. Hey! Get a free chapter of my book, Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories right here: https://www.terri.com/chapter/
P.P.S. It’s just around the corner! ICING Women’s Event is is coming up this August 30-31 right here in Dallas, Texas! If you’re not registered yet, what are you waiting for?! Join my guest speaker, Real Talk Kim and I for two days of inspiration, community and a sweet encounter with Jesus. Click here to register. 

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