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Recreate Your Life Story

I heard a story about a lady known for making delicious homemade biscuits…
People would drive the distance to get a taste of her biscuits. You could smell them in the driveway. Your mouth would water as she pulled them out of the oven, the size of softballs. 
One day she said, “Just consider what goes into making these biscuits. The flour itself doesn’t taste good, neither does the baking powder.” Can you imagine drinking the shortening or having a table spoon of salt or 2 tablespoons of butter straight off the spoon?
“BUT,” she said, “When you mix them all together and put them in the oven, it all comes out just right.”  
See, the baker isn’t focused on those single ingredients, she’s focused on the final product. She has a picture of what this is going to turn out to be. She is focused on what these ingredients will produce – that image. 
This week, I want to talk to you about how you can recreate your life story. It’s not too late, you haven’t made too many mistake, you haven’t missed too many opportunities.
See, the truth is: the seasons of our lives seem like these individual ingredients. Disgusting. Horrible. Painful to swallow. You’d prefer to spit them out!
But you put all your life experiences together (the yucky stuff, the painful stuff, the disappointing stuff) and you finally see this masterpiece of a story that can be used to impact countless lives. 
I’m so excited for this week’s podcast because I know this message is going to transform lives.
I’m cheering you on,


P.S. But hey, to help you get started, I recommend you take advantage of this week’s offer. Download a free chapter of my book, Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories right here: https://www.terri.com/chapter/
P.P.S. Come and hear me live, ladies! I want to spend a weekend with you at ICING Women’s Event. Let’s meet, get a selfie and learn how to overcome our past so we can pursue our dreams! I want to see you there… learn more about ICING and register here.

Don't let your dreams pass you by!

You don’t have to waste another day without knowing how to start pursuing your dreams! Request this FREE PDF resource from Terri today.

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