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Accelerate Your Progress

The word accelerate means to hasten the progress, to cause to move faster, to speed up and to enable to complete a course in less than usual time. That’s exactly what has happened in my life and this ministry. I give God all the praise for what He has done and for what He’s taught me about acceleration.

Recently, I was reviewing some ministry reports over the last few years. Visits to our website have increased almost 600%. That’s acceleration! Views of our weekly teaching video have increased 1,400%. That’s acceleration! It’s dramatic to see the number of people who are overcoming their past and pursuing their God-given purpose. I’m grateful for our friends and partners who make it possible to reach so many people around the world.

Remember, God is no respecter of persons. He just expects us to do what He tells us to do in order to have what He says we can have. And know this: what normally take 10 years, God can accomplish in one! I want to share with you three steps I believe you must take in order to experience this kind of acceleration.

The first step you have to take in order to accelerate your progress is commit to hear from God. Most people never take enough time to sit quietly and just pray, ask, listen, and think. When was the last time you went somewhere alone, turned the phone off, shut the door, and heard from God about your future?

During these quiet times, I began learning to hear God’s voice, and it has provided the greatest direction for my life. God wants you to know His voice and His specific plan for your life. Make a commitment to spend time thinking, praying, and listening. Everything that is happening in my life today is a product of what I’ve heard God speak to me. This is where vision is birthed. This is where purpose is found, and dreams are discovered.

The second step you must take is to obtain clarity. The question you have to ask yourself is, “What do I want?” Vague goals will produce vague results so develop clearly defined, specific goals. Clarity is one of the most important steps to the success God has for you. You will be amazed at what can be accomplished when you get clear on your goals.

The third step is vital and has provided more opportunities in my life than I ever thought possible! You must dedicate yourself to continual growth.

Even Jesus had to grow in order to accomplish the plans His Father had for Him. The Bible says that He grew in wisdom, stature, and favor (see Luke 1:52). This tells me that we need to keep learning, developing, and growing too.

Growth is not automatic. It must be intentional and strategic. I can verify that my life, my results, and my walk with the Lord drastically changed when I became committed and intentional to grow—spirit, soul, and body.

To order the full audio teaching of 7 Cs to Accelerate Your Progress, click here.

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