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Happy New Year!

I want 2012 to be your best year yet! I ask people all over the world if they want their life to be different next year at this time and without fail almost every hand is raised in acknowledgment. One of the areas I want you to see improvement in this year is in getting organized. The most successful people I know are organized people. They have a place for everything and a time schedule to do what needs to be done. The opposite is also true. It is very likely if someone’s house or car is a mess, their mind and life is a mess. Think about this statement, “The way you do anything is the way you do everything.” If you really want to see change this year, you will have to change. You can’t get from where you are to where you want to be without work, but the payoff is worth it! I encourage you to stay connected this month, watch the weekly podcasts on Clutter Clean Out in 20 Minutes, read the blog posts and articles. As I close, let me challenge you with this: choose one room or one area of space that needs to be cleaned up. Set your alarm for 20 minutes and go at it! Just focus on that one area and nothing else. See what you can get done in 20 minutes. Do this every day and you will be amazed at how peaceful your surroundings will be. Here’s a hint: start with the area/room you spend the most time in and start with what can be seen. Don’t start with a dresser drawer or inside a cabinet. Start with what’s laying on the counter. It will help you stay motivated to finish when you can see your progress.

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