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6 Bad Habits to Break in 2020

Studies show that it’s around this time of January most people lose sight of their goals for the year and completely stop pursuing them.

This is your reminder: the year is just starting, get your goals back out, if you need to re-adjust them to something more manageable, that’s fine, but DON’T QUIT on yourself!

This week, I want to talk to you about something that could set you up for failure or success… Let’s talk about 6 bad habits to break this year!

Watch this week’s podcast video.
When I started researching and learning about habits, I found an article that listed the common habits of unsuccessful people versus the habits of successful people.

While reading that article, I realized I’d fallen into unsuccessful habits that were hindering my growth… and maybe you have to?

See if you can relate to any of these habits… It could be the thing you need to change to achieve your 2020 goals.

Watch this week’s podcast video.

Remember: The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine.

I’m cheering you on,


P.S. If personal development is one of your goals this year, then I’d love to see you at my success conference, The NEXT Conference, this weekend in Rockwall, TX.
We ran out of space last week, but were able to make a little more room for a few more seats… you’ll have to hurry to reserve yours though before registration closes in just 2 days! Click here to register now.https://www.terri.com/next2020/
P.P.S. Download your morning routine guide today https://www.terri.com/morningroutineguide/

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