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If today were your last day to live . . .

. . . how would you spend it?

Would you quickly change your current “to do list” for today? Would you get out of that bad mood perhaps you woke up with? Would you call that friend and apologize to them? Would you kiss your spouse before they leave the house today? Would you “pencil in” that friend who keeps asking you to go to lunch? Would you tell the people in your life that you love them? Would you stop complaining about that really insignificant matter? Most importantly, would you spend time with God today?

I know I would. Death really makes me think about how I’m living the precious years that God has given me here on Earth. And I hope it makes you think, too.

Just last week, a friend of mine from High School informed me that someone I went to school with passed away. I was shocked to see his name next to the words: passed away. I quickly got on FaceBook and wrote my deceased friend’s step-brother to find out what happened. It was even more heartbreaking to hear how his life had spiraled downhill for many years. All I really know is that this former star athlete and “Mr. Popular” died in his apartment at 39 years old addicted to prescription drugs. When I asked if there was a funeral I could attend, the answer was, ‘No. He didn’t really have any close friends anymore,” the body was cremated and a small memorial took place.

What are you going to do with the life you have left? Are you simply going to survive life? Succeed in life? Or be significant in life? I challenge you to think about life as if it were your last day. What would you do differently today? Whatever comes to your mind right now . . . do it. It’s obviously something important to you and possibly the Holy Spirit is urging you to do it now!

The most valuable thing you could ever do with your time today is give some of it to God. You will NEVER regret spending time with God. That’s the very place where you will receive wisdom to make those tough decisions, direction to be in His perfect will, peace from anxiety, blessings and doors of opportunities revealed to you. Everything you need is found in His presence.

I challenge you to spend an extra 10 minutes today with the Lord. And do it again tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Watch what will happen:

Hebrews 11:6 “…for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

Don’t waste today. Today matters. Your life matters. Do what you need to do today to wake up tomorrow at peace with yourself, your future and your relationship with God.

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